Wool Rugs

Looking for Wool Rugs? The breadth of our range of modern wool rugs ensures that you have a fantastic selection to choose from online. Made from luxurious natural wool in both plain, neutral colours as well as more striking, colourful designs, our rugs are handmade and hand tufted with varying pile depths. Whatever the style of your living space, from a modern home to a period property, we can provide you with a wool rug which complements the look and feel of your home. Produced without illegal child labour and suitable for heavy domestic use in even the busiest of living spaces, one of our modern wool rugs should prove ideal as the centre-piece for your room.

Take a closer look now at our fantastic selection of wool rugs all available online to find the perfect addition to your home, and place an order today to make the most of our high quality products, great prices and free UK delivery.

If you can't find what you're looking for online then please feel free to get in touch.


Whisper Mocha

Very pleased with the rug; beautiful & soft. Service...

Whisper Mocha

I received the rug just after 9am this morning, this is the...

Noble Art 6529 Black/Beige


Da Vinci Black-Beige Medallion

Excellent delivery service with the tracking, love the...

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