Sisal Rugs

Sisal rugs aren't just for the kitchen or conservatory, they suit many rooms in the home. Each Sisal rug is made from 100% natural fibre with a cotton border, which means it's extremely environmentally friendly. With an anti-slip backing, our Sisal rugs are hardwearing and easy to keep clean, making them suitable for heavy domestic use. Each Sisal rug is available in large and extra large sizes plus 2 runner sizes.

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Plush Silver Shaggy Rug

Thank you so much, the rug is amazing, just what I wanted,...

Da Vinci Black-Beige Medallion

Just like to say ..... Site was Easy to order from,...

Whisper Tungsten

What marvellous service, I ordered the rug on the Monday...

Da Vinci Black-Beige Medallion

Excellent delivery service with the tracking, love the...

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