Royal Classic Rugs

Royal Classic Rugs, an apt name for this collection of traditional and beautiful designs woven in pure New Zealand wool, dyed in the fabulous rich colours they are famed for. If you're looking for quality and opulence a Royal Classic Rug is the perfect choice and will grace your floors with aplomb. Royal Classic Rugs are available in a wide range of sizes, to include a magnificent, extra large 240 x 340cm size and a runner for that finishing touch to your hallway.


Whisper Tungsten

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your excellent...

York Teal

Many thanks for your excellent service, this really is a...

Twilight Silver

Received the rug today...its lovely. Thanks again.

Noble Art 6529 Black/Beige

Rugs arrived safely with me in Jersey today. Very pleased...

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