Noble Art Rugs

Our range of Noble Art rugs are available in differing designs, style and sizes, all of which exude class and benefit from a traditional feel. Each and every rug is made from soft feel polypropylene and designed for heavy domestic use, so will stand the test of time in your setting. Supplied by the industry leading Mastercraft Rugs and machine woven to achieve the highest definition colouring possible, we’re confident you’ll find the rug you’ve been looking for amongst the Noble Art collection.

  • Captivating traditional styles and designs.
  • Complements many rooms in the home.
  • Stain resistant and hardwearing.


Twilight Silver

Received the rug today...its lovely. Thanks again.

Noble Art 6529 Black/Beige

Rugs arrived safely with me in Jersey today. Very pleased...

York Teal

Many thanks for your excellent service, this really is a...

Whisper Tungsten

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your excellent...

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